Tag Archives: Titans characters

Geoff Johns Talks Titans

The Comic-Con special issue of TV Guide Magazine is now hitting newsstands, and in it, Geoff Johns talks a bit about what makes Titans so special.

“I think the reason Teen Titans has been so great is it’s a surrogate family of superhumans,” Johns said in the magazine. “There are a lot of super hero television shows and films out there, and we wanted to do something different — something that would be in the spirit of what the Teen Titans first did in the ’80s, taking these different characters from different walks of life and having them crash together to become a surrogate family. Then from there it deviates drastically. We’re telling the story in a very different way.”

Regarding Brenton Thwaites’ Dick Grayson a.k.a. Robin, “he’s left Gotham City and he’s left Batman.”

“He feels like he was made into a weapon and he’s trying to get away from [fighting crime]. Things draw him back in, and he’s struggling,” Johns explained. He also revealed that the series will tell a lot about the early journey of Rachel Roth (Teagan Croft), a.k.a. Raven.

“Rachel is very young. She’s 13 years old and manifesting some strange abilities,” Johns told TV Guide, noting some parallels between Bruce Wayne’s taking in of Dick Grayson and Dick’s interactions with Rachel.

Each member of the team will offer something special to this series.

“Rachel is a doorway to horror and the supernatural. Starfire is a doorwat to sci-fi, Beast Boy is a door to the Doom Patrol, and Robin’s a doorway to the vigilantes of the DC Universe,” Johns said, promising Titans is “more adult than any other DC superhero show by a pretty wide margin.”

“Each of the characters has individual arcs and storylines. It’s not a villain-of-the-week type of show. This is a 13-hour movie,” he said.

You can pick up the Comic-Con issue of TV Guide Magazine, complete with more quotes and details about the other DC Universe programs, this week at newsstands or at Comic-Con itself!

Titans is coming to the DC Universe platform later in 2018.